Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Teach and Work with Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

How to Come Up With Great Content or Characters For Your Book?

Many writers many experience difficulty with coming up with a great content,  a story line or  characters for their books. Some experience writer's block that lasts for months or sometimes for years. They find themselves unable to finish their books. Here's a little trick writers can try.  You can create a table of content first for their topic or story, then write in sync with it. If you can't come up with a table  of content, then think about a topic for your story or research.  You can create a semantic web, which is a circle with the topic inside with lines  drawn to things that are associated with it.

For a topic, think of things that are related to that topic. For example, if you pick the topic rock music, you might think of musicans, rock songs, it's history, rock magazines, etc., that are related to this type of music genre. You would draw lines  leading these subtopics from the circle with the main topic inside. This will help  you create a  very detail content for your book, including the table of content.

Characters can also be done this way. For example, think of what tone and characteristics you would like the character to have. If your character is happy, put happy in the circle and draw lines of subtopics that are associated with happiness, such as happy people smile,  friendly to others,  they love themselves, etc.

For a story line or to built on your story. Create a story map or flow chart. These will help you think of what is coming next to give you a rich and detail content or help with  the flow or organization of your chapters. It can also be used as an outline to create the entire book.  There are some examples below that will give you an idea of what i'm talking about.

Visualize what you want the characters to be and how you want them to act. Tell  your friends about what you  had visualized . Role play with them or get actors  to play out your vision to create a story line by improvising the scenes and recording it, so it can be transcribed . For  research, discuss what your are looking for, your findings, and solutions. Create a series of questions for you friend to ask you while recording, so it can be transcribed. This could be the bulk of your book. Take the transcript and edit it by plugging in additional pieces, arranging sentences, grammar, deleting redundancy, etc. Daydreaming  or dreaming is also helpful in creating story lines by writng them down. Use real life events by changing the names and locations. All of these can help you create great content or characters for you book fast.

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See full size image 

Monday, October 25, 2010

Do You Have The Attitude of Gratitude?

What are you thankful for? Everyday think of something you are thankful for. Create a list of all good things that you truly appreciate. This could be the simplest of things, such as being thankful for a glass of water or for waking up in the morning. God and the universe loves it when we are thankful. Having a attitude of gratitude tells God we want more of the good things in life.Therefore, look at the cup as half full instead of as half empty. Attitude of gratitude also allows you to feel really good on the inside. This why you should practice the attitude of gratitude everyday.  Start off by saying affirmations such as I am grateful for my health and wealth. Avoid saying I want to be happy or I will have great health. These affirmations don't reflect on the now or attainment. Start with I am or always had. God bless you!